The Best of Cleveland

ADvice, sessions & gorgeous women

The Post

The stunning farm that’s made up of multiple fields of sunflowers located in Medina is known as Medina Sunflower Field. The farmers here have two fields set up to bloom at separate times which elongates the window to photograph these beautiful flowers. They also host events and allow you to cut sunflowers for a price. […]

Medina Sunflower Field: What Dreams Are Made Of

The Best of Cleveland

The Post

The creator of Pinspiration Avon and all locations is Brooke, a lover of Do-It-Yourself projects, was just like you and had great ideas but not enough time, space and tools. She began to research and found that although these DIY projects that people wanted to create were meaningful, they were not following through due to […]

Pinspiration Avon: Any Craft, Any Time

The Best of Cleveland

The Post

Whether you’re making plans to impress a new date or just looking to spice things up with your significant other on date night and do something new together, this blog will give you lot’s or new ideas and recommendations (food places, fun places and free places) for Date Night Ideas Cleveland: Top 48! Our beautiful […]

Date Night Ideas Cleveland: Top 48

The Best of Cleveland